Nonprofit Advocacy Workshop Series

Community-driven workshop series focused on building policy and advocacy skills brought to you by SVCN and Thrive Alliance

About the Program

The Nonprofit Advocacy Series aims to provide nonprofit organizations with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively advocate for our communities. The series focuses on policy advocacy, access to advocacy tools, stakeholder engagement, and strategy development at all levels of government.

With a commitment to racial equity and collective impact, the training empowers participants to collaborate, amplify community voices, and contribute to the development of thriving and equitable communities.

Working with a steering group of community-based policy experts, our speakers covered an essential range of topics including creating pathways for nonprofit advocacy, developing a comprehensive advocacy plan, understanding the political landscape, and how to understand federal and state lobbying rules. Additionally, participants learned more about building coalitions to support their organization's advocacy goals. Overall, the sessions have provided a wealth of knowledge and practical strategies for driving positive change at the municipal and county level.

The Steering Committee includes Ana Avendano (El Concilio), Huascar Castro (Working Partnerships USA), Jess Hudson (United Way Bay Area), Hyun-Mi Kim (Puente),  Alice Kaufman (Green Foothills), Elisa Koff-Ginsborg (Behavioral Health Contractors' Association), Sandhya Laddha (Silicon Valley Bike Coalition), Aboubacar Ndiaye (NCLT), Tori Truscheit (Sacred Heart Community Service), and Vaughn Villaverde (AACI).

The Nonprofit Advocacy Series is a program from Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits and Thrive Alliance, thanks to a grant from the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.

If you have any questions about the Nonprofit Advocacy Series,
contact Gianella Ordonez at

Recorded Workshops

Missed a workshop? Purchase workshop recordings below ($10 for members, $20 for non-members).
All registered participants were emailed a copy of the recordings.

Advocacy 101: Transforming Nonprofits in Effective Changemakers

Learn how to engage in policy advocacy and develop strategies to advocate at all levels of government.


Building a Successful Advocacy Campaign

Learn how to build a "campaign" plan to achive a policy advocacy goal.


The Good Troublemaker's Guide to Local Legislative Advocacy

Learn about the departments and staff in City and County administration and hear from the personal perspectives of advocates turned staffers and electeds.


Charting the Legal Lobbying Waters for Impactful Nonprofit Advocacy

Learn how to navigate nonpartisan advocacy within legal lobbying restrictions.


Coalition Catalysts: Igniting Impactful Collaboration

Learn about coalition-building, practicing democracy and shared leadership, and the different collective action models.


Influence and Impact: An Advocate's Journey in Media

Hear about the power of media through the lens of an advocate and reporter’s working relationship and learn how to develop a media strategy plan.


Mobilizing For Community-Driven Policies

Hear from community organizers from Puente de la Costa Sur, Sacred Heart Community Service, and Faith in Action Bay Area!
